Sunday, 13 July 2014

Mobile Astronomy Reading Station (MARS) at Kebun Baru Heights RC Centre Study Corner.

I received the leaflets on the Astronomy Reading for Children and since we have not activity today, therefore I decided to bring my little Cutie^Princess[ and my colleague's daughter (as her mummy is working.. kekeke) along.

When we enter the room, we can see many astronomy books nicely placed on the table. We start looking at the books but for a 4years and 6years old children, they have difficultly in reading the books. It is quite difficult for me to handle both of them because they have different interest... and I am unable to read two different books to each of them at the same time unless I split myself into two.

Luckily there are puzzles in the books whereby they can play.

Doing their jigsaw puzzle themselves.
Overall the environment is nice, cooling and clean with a common restroom too. Both the kids enjoy it except that they are too young to read by themselves (4years and 6years old). It will be good if they have those storytelling session or movie-screening session to allow them to understand more and create interest in astronomy.

I think it will be more suitable for young children accompanied with adults who can read to them individually, or maybe primary school children onwards who can read by themselves. I can see the other children and parents enjoy their readings!

Check this out. It is free for residents! Just walk in, no registration required.

Picture taken from Kebun Baru Heights RC Facebook wall.

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